Υποτροφία για Διδακτορικό στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Birmingham

Το Πανεπιστήμιο του Birmingham προσφέρει υποτροφία για διδακτορικό στο αντικείμενο: Agency and Smart Technologies - ethical implications. Overall Aim:
To understand the impact of increasingly ubiquitous computing on normative agency (and its policy implications).This award includes
• Payment of approved fees
• Maintenance grant for the student – currently £14,553 per annum for 2017 entry
The candidate would have a first class degree in Law, or Computer Science, or Philosophy, or Public Policy (with a relevant specialisation). Any combination of these disciplines would be particularly appealing.
The deadline for receiving applications (including two references) is 4pm on 15 January 2018. For details of how to apply, and to download application and reference forms, please visit: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/postgraduate/funding/College-of-Arts-and-Law-Law-Studentship.aspx


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