English Law underpinning FinTech, Legal Tech and RegTech after Brexit

The British High Commission and the University of Nicosia, School of Law, organise with the support of the Royal Commonwealth Society Cyprus Branch, a lecture entitled “English Law underpinning FinTech, Legal Tech and RegTech after Brexit”.
The lecture will delivered by the Rt. Hon. Sir Geoffrey Vos, Chancellor of the High Court of England and Wales.
Wellcome addresses: Prof. Achilles Emilianides, Dean of School of law, Mr.Stephen Lillie CMG,British High Commissioner.
When: Friday, 15 June 2018 - 6:00pm. Where: Europa Building,"-1",UNESCO Amphitheatre, University of Nicosia.
Reception will follow.
RSVP by 12th June: RSVP.Nicosia@fco.gov.uk


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